About CEO

Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), is an Amsterdam-based research and campaign group targeting the threats to democracy, equity, social justice and the environment posed by the economic and political power of corporations and their lobby groups. To get an impression of our activities, see for instance CEO Highlights 2006.

The Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) team of campaigners and researchers currently consists of: Belén Balanyá, Kim Bizzarri, Olivier Hoedeman, Nina Holland, David Leloup, Martin Pigeon, Oliver Shykles, Yiorgos Vassalos, Erik Wesselius. Roel van den Bosch is our financial administrator and Aniruddha Plas of PCL computers helps out with our IT infrastructure.

CEO is registered as not for profit foundation under Dutch law at the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce.

Our advisory board consists of: Pratap Chatterjee (India/US), Ann Doherty (The Netherlands/US), Ramon Fernandez Duran (Spain), Susan George (France), Adam Ma'anit (UK/US), America Vera-Zavala (Sweden) and Thomas Wallgren (Finland).

Overview of CEO's sources of income in the years 2005 - 2007.

De Wittenstraat 25 1052 AK Amsterdam Netherlands tel: +31-20-6127023 fax: +31-20-6869558 e-mail: <ceo@corporateeurope.org>