ICC World Congress, Budapest, Hungary - May 3-5, 2000In preparation for and in hopes of inspiring action against the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) World Congress meeting in Budapest from May 3-5, 2000, CEO has prepared a number of fact sheets on the ICC. In addition, we will be posting reports of the meeting, as well as our own press releases.
Fact Sheet #1 will give you a basic overview of the ICC and its operations.
Fact Sheet #2 describes some of the new partnerships between the ICC and UN agencies.
Fact Sheet #3 looks at the ICC's record on environmental issues, including a glance at their role in the climate change debates, and their efforts with regards to the WTO TRIPs agreements.
Fact Sheet #4 gives an overview of the ICC's involvement in international corporate efforts to liberalise global investment barriers and regulations.
The Fact Sheets can also be found in .pdf format, which requires that you have the Acrobat Reader plugin available for free from the Adobe website. These .pdf versions are optimised for printing to enable people to print and freely distribute them. Hungarian versions are also available from the CEO office!
ICC Fact Sheets in .pdf format (requires free Acrobat Reader plug-in)
Fact Sheet #1 - ICC: Powerhouse of Corporate-Led Globalisation
Fact Sheet #2 - The ICC and Corporate Cooptation of the UN
Fact Sheet #3 - The ICC and the Environment
Fact Sheet #4 - The ICC: Crusading for Investment Liberalisation
Paulus Potterstraat 20 • 1071 DA Amsterdam • Netherlands
tel/fax: +31-20-6127023 • e-mail: <ceo@xs4all.nl>This page was installed on May 3, 2000