Climate Greenwash Vanguard: Shell and BPAmoco
Shell and BP Amoco,
both formerly ardent critics of global warming theory, have shifted
their strategies dramatically. These masters of climate greenwash have
undergone expensive corporate makeovers and now present themselves as
leaders in reducing CO2 emissions and supporting
renewable energy. Their goal is to prevent public opinion from turning
against them, as happened numerous times in the past decade.
Moreover, by giving
the impression that they can solve the climate threat themselves, they
aim to avoid government regulation and, more generally, any public debate
about the desirability of corporate-led globalisation. In this regard,
the two oil giants are seeking to completely transform their image from
oil companies with flawed environmental and social records, to 'energy
companies' committed to taking action to combat climate change, without
having to dramatically change their behaviour. The PR company Burson-Marsteller,
an expert in 'reputation management', argues that "corporate reputation
has a direct impact on a company's ability to achieve policy-related
goals." [104]
These two 'energy
companies' employ a highly sophisticated PR strategy to convince the
public that they have changed. Expensive TV and newspaper advertisements
portraying an environmentally-friendly image are at the heart of this
strategy. In many cases, small-scale environmental projects which the
companies fund are used to justify the green credentials of the corporation
as a whole - projects which often cost less than the advertisements
used to showcase them to the general public. [105]
While highlighting these environmentally-friendly activities, the ads
are silent about the companies' destructive core business practices.
Both Shell and BP Amoco continue to increase oil production year after
year and have no intention of changing that in the next decades.
Double Standards
The hypocrisy of
these two mega-corporations is underlined by the fact that both remain
members of lobby groups such as the American Petroleum Institute and
the Business Roundtable, which vehemently oppose the ratification of
the Kyoto Protocol and any binding commitment to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. In August of this year, it was revealed that BP Amoco has
contributed money in the last four years to most of the members of the
US Congress who have consistently voted against environmental policies,
including opposing US ratification of the Kyoto Protocol.
Greenwash Giant
From being
one of the most despised companies in the world just a few years
ago, Shell, aided by a massive advertising budget and specialised
PR companies, has managed to reshape its image into an environmentally
and socially enlightened company. Shell's support for the South
African apartheid regime and its well-documented involvement in
human rights violations in the Niger Delta, to mention just two
examples, seem to have been largely forgotten by the mainstream
media. The company's 'Profits and Principles' ad series stretched
the boundaries of corporate greenwash to further extremes. TV
spots, newspaper ads and a glossy report all claimed that profits
and principles need not be contradictory goals, but can be part
of any company's 'win-win' approach. Meanwhile, Shell continues
to be responsible for appalling living conditions in Nigeria's
Ogoniland. [107]
Stating its
concerns about climate change, the company has announced new investments
in renewable energy worth US$500 million in the next years. While
a seemingly large sum, in actuality it amounts to less than 1
per cent of Shell's annual expenditures. In fact, the company's
annual investments in renewable energy are not much larger than
the advertising budget used to improve its tarnished image. In
1998, for instance, Shell spent US$30 million on contracts with
PR company Fishburn & Hedges alone. The assistance of this one
company in Shell's image transformation was equivalent to 30 per
cent of the oil behemoth's annual spending on renewable energy.
Shell proudly
announced that it will reduce its own greenhouse gas emissions
by 10 per cent from 1990 levels by 2002, "twice the Kyoto target,
five years sooner." [109]
The company aims to do so through the development and application
of clean technologies and improved refining processes leading
to slightly cleaner fuels. The fact that the ever-increasing volumes
of oil and gas that the company brings to the market are the key
cause of the climate change crisis seems is largely ignored.
BP Amoco:
'Beyond Petroleum' or 'Boiling the Planet'?
The PR campaign
of oil giant BP Amoco, in which its seeks to re-style itself as
an 'energy company' committed to sustainable development, has
been described as "perhaps the most ambitious ever undertaken
by a British company." [110]
In 1999, the company publicly acknowledged that climate change
is happening and that greenhouse gas emissions play a role in
that process. It announced investments in solar energy and a plan
to reduce emissions from it oil drilling, pipelines and refineries.
BP Amoco now presents itself as "the worlds leading producer of
solar power" and the producer of "petrol and diesel that produce
lower emissions." [111]
The company has announced that it will install solar panels in
200 of its petrol stations as part of its 'Plug in the Sun' programme.
BP's advertising campaign, replete with a new 'helios' logo on
a green background and the 'Beyond Petroleum' slogan, will cost
the company some US$100 million per year - close to what it is
actually spending on solar power.
The unsettling
reality behind BP Amoco's PR campaign is that the company is still
increasing oil exploration and production operations. BP Amoco
is moving in to exploit some of the world's most sensitive ecological
areas, like the Atlantic Frontier (the North Atlantic sea west
of the Shetlands) and the even more sensitive Arctic Ocean (North
of Alaska), areas both hitherto undisturbed by the oil industry.
[112] BP Amoco's investment in
renewable energy is less than 1 per cent of its annual spending
on fossil fuels. The company expects its oil production to increase
4 to 5 per cent per year, and its gas output is expected to rise
no less than fivefold 2002. [113]
Investment in fossil fuel exploration and production is expected
to double to a level of US$8 billion per year. Contrary to the
rhetoric, fossil fuels remain BP Amoco's core business, suggesting
that its slogans are nothing more than window dressing.