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CEO publishes a quarterly newsletter - Corporate Europe Observer - featuring reports on the activities of major corporate lobby groups, issue specific overviews, news updates, analysis, reviews and more. The Corporate Europe Observer is currently published in print, e-mail and web (.html and .pdf) versions. |
Issue 12 - August 2002
Featuring the following articles:Countdown to Rio +10: 'Sustainable Development' and the Public-Private Pantomime
Discount Davos: the European Business Summit 2002
Social Responsibility and the Mechanical Bull: The International Chamber of Commerce Dresses for Success
Academia: a partner for advancing the corporate agenda?
Ombudsman Slams Commission Over TABD SecrecyIssue 11 - May 2002
Featuring the following articles:The Barcelona Breakthrough
TABD Takes Up Arms
Leaked Confidential Documents Reveal EC's Neoliberal GATS Agenda
Rio+10 and the Privatisation of 'Sustainable Development'Issue 10 - December 2001
Featuring the following articles:Undercover in Qatar
TABD Back on Track
Industrys Rio+ 10 Strategy: Banking on Feelgood PR
Lobbyists Harvest the Fruits of their Labour at COP 6 Bis
COP 7: Widening the Loopholes
Greening Business from the Inside - Solution or Smokescreen?
Rio+ 10 Debate: Responding to UNED
Responding to The Paradox of Anti- Globalisation
Book Review - Captive State: The Corporate Takeover of Britain, by George MonbiotIssue 9 - June 2001
Featuring the following articles:Rio +10 and the Corporate Greenwash of Globalisation
From Lisbon to Stockholm: The ERT Evaluates 'Progress' in Neoliberal Reforms
"Better Regulation" - For Whom? EC Prepares to Dismantle Business Regulation and
Expand Corporate Control
The GATS Attack on Public Services
Post-Seattle Retaliation: US Business Rallies to Keep Neoliberal Globalisation on
TrackIssue 8 - April 2001
Featuring the following articles:Introduction
Biotech Lobby Giant Tries to Silence Activist Critics With Court Case Threat
Revolving Doors: Brittan Lobbies European Commission for UK Financial Services Industry
World Economic Forum: "Bridging the Divide" or Dividing the Cake?
Corporate Campaign to Corrupt the Kyoto Protocol Continues After Collapsed COP-6 Climate Summit
Nice Treaty: Commission Equipped for New WTO Disasters
In Defence of the Roundtable - Former ERT Boss Evaluates Ten Years in EU Corporate Politics
CEO NewsIssue 7 - October 2000
Featuring the following articles:Introduction
European Business Summit: Consolidating Corporate Power
ERT Moves to Next Stage of Europe's 'Double Revolution'
European Biotech Congress Cancelled
New EU Treaty May Give European Commission 'Fast-Track' Negotiating Authority
ICC Step-Up Counter Campaign Against Critics of Corporate-Led Globalisation
Campaign for a Corporate-Free UN
...And Not a Drop to Drink! Water Forum Promotes Privatisation and Deregulation of World's Water
An Ombudsman to Control Companies? The Norwegian Experience
CEO NewsIssue 6 - April 2000
Featuring the following articles:Intergovernmental Conference 2000: Business and the Amsterdam Leftovers
Back to Business: Revolving Doors in Brussels
EC Funding International Business Roundtables
Texts, Lies & Red Tape: The EC's Crusade for Secrecy
European Industry in Seattle
Investment Network: How the EC and Business Prepared for WTO Investment Talks in Seattle
Business Responses to Seattle
Davos 2000: 'New Beginnings' for Global Capitalism?
UN-Business 'Partnerships'
Toothless UN Website on Global Compact with TNCs
Guide to "Germany Inc."
CEO Hosts Meeting in Spain
The Córdoba Declaration
DisclaimerIssue 5 - October 1999
Featuring the following articles:The Global Compact: The UN's New Deal with 'Global Corporate Citizens'
Biotech PR Reaps Poor Harvest
ERT and REC: Strange Bedfellows
Thriving in Brussels: the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)Issue 4 - July 1999
Special issue on the WTO featuring the following articles:The WTO is Born
Industry's Beef With Consumers
Mass-Burma: Human Rights Objectives Overruled
Corporate Involvement in WTO Negotiations
Power TRIPs
The Financial Services Agreement: Servicing the North
EU Trade Policies and the Democratic Gap
Globalisation in Crisis, the EUs Indifference
The Millennium Round Offensive
The Commissions Many Faces
Business Offensive for the Millennium Round
Fighting the WTO Millennium Bug
Web ResourcesIssue 3 - June 1999
Featuring the following articles:Ending Corporate Secrecy
'Win-Win?' The ERT and EU Enlargement
Innovation: Corporate Restructuring of Europe
AmCham Chimes in with the Brussels Corporate Choir
The Two Faces of EU Transport Policy
UNDP and TNCs: Integrating Two Billion People into the Global Economy?
The EPC Strikes Back
Update on Access to InformationIssue 2 - October 1998
Featuring the following articles:Update on Access to Commission Documents
The Geneva Business Dialogue: Business, WTO and UN Joining Hands to Regulate the Global Economy?
Business Leaving Sinking MAI?
EU-US Trade Deregulation: The TEP of the Iceberg - How the New Transatlantic Marketplace Became the Transatlantic Economic Partnership
TABD: Who's Keeping Score?
Pressure Politics in Brussels: The PR Industry Cooks Up a Conference
European Think-Tank Series - The European Policy CentreIssue 1 - May 1998
Featuring the following articles:Favourable Winds for Transatlantic Free Trade
TABD: Tiptoeing Toward a Transatlantic Market
Industry and the EU Life Patent Directive
Monsanto and Novartis Blackmail Ireland
The European PR Industry
United Nations Under Siege
Nestlé and the United Nations: Partnership or Penetration?
The ERT Goes East
CEFIC: The Toxic LobbyIssue 0- October 1997
Featuring the following articles:Maastricht II and Corporate Lobby successes
EUROPABIO: Manipulating Consent
Favourable winds for transatlantic trade: A TABD update
Construction lobby demands infrastructure spending
ERT: Getting the right climate
AMUE tentacles reaching abroad
World Business Council Sustainable Development
Small and Medium-sized news:
Bangemann's Benchmarking group
New competitiveness advisory group
BP CEO Sir David Simon appointed as minister of trade and competition
ECIS in memoriam
UNICE critiqued by environmental groups